Oaxaca’s Bubbling Springs and Petrified Waterfalls: Hierve el Agua

In Peter Greenberg’s recently aired The Royal Tour, President Calderón selected diving in the cenotes of Yucatan instead of a refreshing swim at Hierve el Agua.  Nevertheless, Oaxaca’s bubbling springs and petrified waterfalls are one of the most spectacular attractions in all Mexico, of course with all due respect to Mr. President. Hierve el Agua […]

Oaxaca – 5 Fun Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts

Oaxaca is one of Mexico’s most unique and beautiful States.  Located in the Southwestern part of the country, Oaxaca  is best known for its indigenous peoples and cultures.  From mountainous ranges to spectacular coastline, this state is not to be missed.  Here are 5 interesting facts about Oaxaca: #1 – An unusual Oaxaca delicacy is chapulines, […]

Friday 5 – Top things to do on the Oaxaca Coast

The Oaxaca coast of Mexico is an amazing little gem that provides many activities and sights to see for people of all ages. Listed below are my top 5 top things to do within minutes from the Viewpoint condo. Come and enjoy the beautiful coast of southern Mexico and see what is in store for […]